Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Cannot Think Of A Title

Today there seems to be a whole bunch to talk about, which is good for me because it gives me something to do. 
The following links are brought to you by the US Postal Service, who was used as an example of a government program getting destroyed by private corporations. This example was made by President Obama while trying to convince people that government run health care is the most efficient solution to combat rising health care costs....time to fire a speech writer Mr. President. Wait, this was during a bumbling, stumbling teleprompter free Q&A session with people hand picked by the White House.  Yikes.
Honey, I made a mistake... Yeah, ok, so non-baseball links have been common place lately, but holy crap this is amazingly poor judgement.  You are a multi-million dollar head coach for a major college basketball power and in your free time you knock up women and pay for their abortions.  Way to go Rick Pitino, you are just the worst.  I cannot wait until he goes into Kentucky this year...those signs are going to be horrific.
Don't worry Jamie, you will be back in the rotation in a week. Yeah, this was a tough spot for Philadelphia to be in. You cannot not resign Moyer after the year he had last year but on the other hand he has been absolutely worthless.  Maybe he just needs a 1,000,000 mile check up. I understand why he is mad, but I know he understands why he was moved to the bullpen.  I wouldnt lose sleep over it though, you are a hero in Philly, and the guy taking your spot got lit up in the Minors and will be absolutely crushed by MLB hitting.  Sorry Pedro, but you just don't have it anymore.
Ah, the love of nostalgia. There was a Soprano's episode when Tony Soprano was unusually quiet during a conversation and Paulie asked him why he was being so quiet. Tony responded with "Because 'Remember When' is the lowest form of conversation" and left the table.  Ok, so this was during the sometimes strange final season where Tony was looking at all the people around him and himself and contemplating life after his near death experience (his peyote experience was much cooler).  Anyways, sometimes I agree with that statement, especially when the conversation dies when the Remember When's end.  On the other hand, we have this article, which is a baseball remember when. Actually it is more like the 'things I wish they brought back' but hey, what do I know, I'm just a steroid era kid. Anyways, here are some thoughts on this article.
1. Stirrups. Yes, I even wore stirrups in little league.  I appreciate that guys still wear their socks high and not the baggy pant look because I never wore a pair of baggy baseball pants in my life. 
6. Baseball on the radio. Thanks to XM radio I am able to listen to all the games I want to on the radio and it is awesome.  The announcers are better, the feel is better, and I have many many many fond memories of listening to baseball on the radio.
7. Quality Mustaches. Rollie Fingers where art thou!
10. Youppi!. Yeah, the coolest mascot in all the land. No freaking idea what the hell it was, but anything that is 7+ feet tall, orange, and cheers for the Expos I am going to support. 
11. Fans running onto the field.  Ok, so the last time I saw this was in the Mid-90's. I used to hear stories of people running and scooping up the dirt on the infield. I think it was after the 1995 one game playoff between the Mariners and the Angels (Not sure if they were the California, Los Angeles, Anaheim, or Los Angeles of Anaheim breed, but it was the Angels) Or how about the guy who ran to congratulate Hank Aaron? If he did that today the only part of him that would touch Aaron would be his brains as they splattered all over the infield due to a sniper's bullet. I want to see the fans on the field at some point.  Let's face it, cops on horseback at a ballgame are garbage.
17. Bill Veeck. Eddie Gaedel anyone? Veeck was the master of the promotion. Now the only promotion are stupid t-shirt giveaways (at best), bobbleheads, and the very worst-magnet calenders. Wow John Henry, I just spent $100 on two tickets with an obstructed view and to thank me i get a Dunkin Donuts fridge magnet.  Thanks man.
18. The Eephus Pitch. Whenever I create a pitcher in baseball video games he always has an eephus. The thing is deadly and just plain awesome. No one ever expects it. The last guy I remember throwing one is Casey Fossum who had his famous 'Fossum Flop'.  When you are used to the heat and all of sudden you get a breaking ball at 40 mph that is lobbed sky high...yeah, have fun with that.
23. World Series Day Games. HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE! That right there shows you that I have never been able to experience one. Oh, and I hate staying up until 12:30 listening to the mangled mess of idiocy that comes out of Tim McCarver's mouth.
25. Bullpen Carts. Once again, how awesome would that be. And it's another toy for parents to buy their kids (it will pay for itself). 
For me, those are the highlights of that article.
500th Home Run? Yawn. Ok, so thats not really what the article is about (the who cares part because it is still quite the accomplishment) but I'm not sure if 500 home runs is an automatic HoF qualifier anymore. I think it should be just because so few have reached that number. There is a good point made in the article about the boom of 500-HR Club members in the 60's was similar to today.  It's hard to argue that most of the guys who have recently made it would not have unless they used PED's so I kind of throw that out the window.  It's still special though, and one hell of an achievement.
Oswalt v. Pujols v. Ortiz Cool stuff with projections. Just fun to look at how one of the more accurate projection systems sees the future.
Back with more later...

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